
Answers to your questions about COVID-SAFE Care

From what to expect when you arrive to social distancing in the waiting room, we’ve got the answers to your frequently asked questions.

Is it safe to come into the hospital or doctor’s office right now?

How do I know the facilities are clean?

What should I expect when I arrive?

Do I need to wear a mask at Montefiore?

Will COVID-19 patients and non-COVID-19 patients be kept in different areas?

Will my doctor’s waiting room have a social distancing policy?

Will my doctor have the right personal protective equipment?

I have an urgent medical issue, but I’m afraid to come to the hospital.

Can I receive care using telehealth instead of an in-person visit?

Can I be accompanied by someone to my appointment?

Can I walk in to get an X-ray or blood work performed?

Are you limiting all entry points to ensure that you are screening all of your patients and their visitors for COVID-19?

I have an upcoming appointment at Montefiore and my insurance/personal information has changed. What should I do?

How can I schedule a visit with a doctor?

All our facilities are clean, safe and ready for you to get the care you need.

How can I ask my doctor a question?

I would like to access to my child’s medical chart. Is there any way to request access online?

How do I see my COVID-19 test results?